About Us
Anhalt Photovoltaic Performance and Lifetime Laboratory
Highlights of our laboratory facility
- Class AAA LED sun simulator with two independent light sources according to IEC standards
- Mobile LED sun simulator to characterize PV modules in the field
- Spectrometer for time-resolved (TCSPC) and time-integrated (Raman)
- High-precision meteorological equipment for on-site measurement of environmental parameters
- Energy yield measurements of single PV Modules with I-V tracer in different applications (e.g., open rack or facade)
- Photovoltaic research test facility for energy yield measurements of grid-connected Mono- and Bifacial PV modules and systems
- AgriPVplus demonstrator with vertical east/west mounted Bifacial PV modules
Our Synergies
- From PV Modul to PV systems
- Measurement of relevant materialproperties
- Device development and improvement
Reliability / Durability
- Stress potential
- Linking material properties with aging
Performance and life-time Modeling
- Energy yield prediction
- Energy rating
- Life-time modelling
Technology demonstration
- Agrivoltaic (AgriPV)
- Building integrated Photovoltaic (BiPV)
- Energy systems incl. inverter and storage
Our Experts
Meet the Team
Prof. Dr. Ralph Gottschalg
Project Manager